Joining Forces: Next-Generation Protein Sequencing™ and Mass Spectrometry to Power PTM Analysis


Quantum-Si brings the groundbreaking power of single-molecule proteomics with the first-to-market Next-Generation Protein Sequencer™, the Platinum® instrument, to every lab, everywhere. Attend this session to hear the latest updates on applications and workflows and discover the power of using Kinetic Signatures to sequence proteins and detect changes in the proteome, including PTM analysis.

Additionally, hear direct from Justyna Fert-Bober, PhD, Assistant Professor Department of Cardiology, Smidt Heart Institute, Cedars Sinai on her approach to regulating cardiac myofibroblasts via PAD inhibition reversed fibrosis in dilated cardiomyopathy. Citrullination is a posttranslational modification (PTM) that irreversibly abrogates the charge state of peptidylarginine. Although citrullination plays a significant role in different physiological and pathological processes, traditional methods for studying protein citrullination cannot provide comprehensive data on proteome citrullination.

Therefore, we used a hypercitrullination mass spectrometry (MS)-based platform and next-generation protein sequencing approaches utilizing amino acid-specific recognizers that distinguish arginine and citrulline PTM sites on the Platinum instrument.